最高に魅力的 #Repost @hasselblad with @make_repost ・・・ “My evening with Marilyn and the day Victor Hasselblad stopped me in the street” Douglas Kirkland has been dubbed “Hollywood’s favourite photographer”. This is the man who pressed the shutter on some of the most unforgettable images of Marilyn Monroe ever taken. Early on in his career, Douglas even had a chance encounter in New York with Victor Hasselblad himself. Read more about his photoshoot with Marilyn and producing pictures that would never be forgotten with the link in our bio. © Douglas Kirkland / @iconicimagesnet __ #Hasselblad #CreateToInspire #hasselblad500c #filmphotography #photography #photographyinspiration #mediumformat #mediumformatphotography #MarilynMonroe #DouglasKirkland #HasselbladIcon #HasselbladIcons #hasselbladicon
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