Uncategorizedもっともキレイな肌質感 #アミヤヨカ #ブルーリップ #青リップ #bluelips #bluelipstick きっとひとつの #フェティッシュ2021.01.21 COPY THE TITLE AND URL OF THIS ARTICLEvia Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CKSkLp3AafI/relevance Tweet Share Hatena Pocket RSS feedly Pin it. #fender #ysl こんな撮り方が好きだが、ありきたりなのはわかっている #青リップ #bluelipstick #bluelips⠀ ⠀ #2025⠀ #昭和100年展 ⠀ #japanesegirl⠀ ⠀ #neoestpsychedelic⠀ ⠀ ⠀ model @amiya_yoka.model #アミヤヨカ ⠀ photographer @michihisa902 #マツバラミチヒサ⠀ #studioquartz ⠀ #old_normal⠀Previous Article #スモーク 使って撮影 横位置だとスタジオが狭い 16:9の世界は難しい #青リップ #bluelipstick #bluelips⠀ ⠀ #2025⠀ #昭和100年展 ⠀ #japanesegirl⠀ ⠀ #neoestpsychedelic⠀ ⠀ ⠀ model @amiya_yoka.model #アミヤヨカ ⠀ photographer @michihisa902 #マツバラミチヒサ⠀ #studioquartz ⠀ #old_normal⠀ #1日を30秒に ⠀ #vlog⠀ @m2matu ⠀ @michihisa902 ⠀ #マツバラミチヒサ ⠀ #studioquartzNext Article
Uncategorizedデザインと質感は大事 単なるラバーにも H のパターンを配置するとここまでお洒落になる #hasselblad #ハッセルブラッド 今日で3日目、毎日のムービーをやめたら問い合わせが 理由は反省から 日常は見せるものじゃない 2021年からはちゃんとしたカメラで、それなりにプロの写真をのせることにしました #マツバラミチヒサ m2matu 2021.01.03
Uncategorized#今日の一枚 #雨 #入梅 感性は磨くものなのか、そもそもあるのが感性で、努力とは関係のないものだ #踏み込んではいけない世界 #感性 #努力 m2matu 2021.05.17
Uncategorized最高に魅力的 #Repost @hasselblad with @make_repost ・・・ “My evening with Marilyn and the day Victor Hasselblad stopped me in the street” Douglas Kirkland has been dubbed “Hollywood’s favourite photographer”. This is the man who pressed the shutter on some of the most unforgettable images of Marilyn Monroe ever taken. Early on in his career, Douglas even had a chance encounter in New York with Victor Hasselblad himself. Read more about his photoshoot with Marilyn and producing pictures that would never be forgotten with the link in our bio. © Douglas Kirkland / @iconicimagesnet __ #Hasselblad #CreateToInspire #hasselblad500c #filmphotography #photography #photographyinspiration #mediumformat #mediumformatphotography #MarilynMonroe #DouglasKirkland #HasselbladIcon #HasselbladIcons #hasselbladicon m2matu 2021.01.12
Uncategorized#Repost @ann_himechan with @make_repost ・・・ Hime Clinic's staffing needs... Just as in the past I almost lost my job as a doctor and was living on the streets at night... How many people are qualified as nurses or assistant nurses but are unable to use their qualifications because of that I wonder how many people are qualified as nurses or assistant nurses but are unable to use their qualifications for that reason... I wonder how many people are unable to find daytime employment even if they wanted to... As the director of Hime Clinic, I am one of those people. ... I want to create employment for these people at my clinic... What should I do❓ #Hime Clinic #transgender #employment #SDGs #cosmetic dermatology m2matu 2021.12.10