UncategorizedFinally, the transition from F to Z is underway. Finally, the #macro lens for the Z seems to be 6/25. 50mm is attractive 105mm 50mm #nikonz2021.06.05 COPY THE TITLE AND URL OF THIS ARTICLEView on Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CPthhR9NhDt/relevance Tweet Share Hatena Pocket RSS feedly Pin it. #葬儀写真 #鶴亀 #真宗大谷派 #銀蝋燭 photo : #ミチヒサ #michihisaPrevious Article #今日の一枚 #扉写真 #イメージカット Photographer: #ミチヒサNext Article
Uncategorized#情緒的写真 #唐辛子 #日本の赤 #オーダーで創るポスター あいたスペースはお品書きのため #写真家 #フォトグラファー #m2matu #photographer #精密撮影 #名古屋 #尾張旭 #スタジオクォーツ #studioquartz m2matu 2020.11.08
Uncategorized#スピードは正義 #xqd ムービーでなければ意味は薄いがxqdを使うともう戻れない 日常はもういいや クルマと写真にしておこう @m2matu ⠀ @michihisa902 ⠀ #マツバラミチヒサ ⠀ #studioquartz m2matu 2020.12.29
Uncategorized#Repost @ann_himechan with @make_repost ・・・ Hime Clinic's staffing needs... Just as in the past I almost lost my job as a doctor and was living on the streets at night... How many people are qualified as nurses or assistant nurses but are unable to use their qualifications because of that I wonder how many people are qualified as nurses or assistant nurses but are unable to use their qualifications for that reason... I wonder how many people are unable to find daytime employment even if they wanted to... As the director of Hime Clinic, I am one of those people. ... I want to create employment for these people at my clinic... What should I do❓ #Hime Clinic #transgender #employment #SDGs #cosmetic dermatology m2matu 2021.12.10
Uncategorized#Repost @michihisa902 with @make_repost ・・・ #bluelips #bluelipstick #青リップ #ブルーリップ Model #アミヤヨカ Photo #ミチヒサ 森の中にいる光にしたいのだけど、どうもフラット過ぎました もっと攻めてあげないと 同じ目にしたくて無駄に陰影 #doubleface m2matu 2021.05.21