Nobuyuki Hanawa of "Knights" is absent from his regular radio show due to "maternity leave"...his partner Nobuyuki Tsuchiya reports, "There are events where fathers have to be present" (October 1, 2022) - Excite News m2matu 2022.10.01
#One photo of the day, not #otherwise, but descriptive and no good #leicaq2monochrom m2matu 2022.03.03
#steering damper #general purpose #for farm equipment I think #until the #fox comes along, and the turning radius gets bigger again #jeep #jeepjk #jeepwrangler #jeep😍 #jeepjeep #jeeplover #jeepstagram#jeepbeef #jeeplife #jeeplove #wrangler #wranglerunlimited #wranglerjk#wranglers #jeep wrangler unlimited #wrangler #wrangler unlimited #anvil #anvil #not raised #detroittruetrac # Stage Four #Aichi mm902⠀ m2matu 2022.02.22
#Night is an abyss #one of the day #eating #ramen #mambo in a big hurry #ckb #a day in 30 seconds ⠀ #vlog⠀ @m2matu ⠀ @michihisa902 ⠀ #michihisa matsubara m2matu 2022.02.10