#Repost @ayana1113 with @make_repost ・・・ 感動しすぎました🥺 みんなは見てましたか? 最終ラップでそんなことなる? 努力を続けて、諦めなかったら絶対チャンスは来る!そう思いました🥺 #レッドブルホンダ #フェルスタッペン #逆転で初の王者 m2matu 2021.12.13
#Range Rover 3rd, a car that's just fine with stupidly low fuel economy. It's not luxurious, but it's a great feeling of fulfillment. m2matu 2021.12.11
#Repost @ann_himechan with @make_repost ・・・ Hime Clinic's staffing needs... Just as in the past I almost lost my job as a doctor and was living on the streets at night... How many people are qualified as nurses or assistant nurses but are unable to use their qualifications because of that I wonder how many people are qualified as nurses or assistant nurses but are unable to use their qualifications for that reason... I wonder how many people are unable to find daytime employment even if they wanted to... As the director of Hime Clinic, I am one of those people. ... I want to create employment for these people at my clinic... What should I do❓ #Hime Clinic #transgender #employment #SDGs #cosmetic dermatology m2matu 2021.12.10